6. Moliant i Ieuan Fedyddiwr
edited by Dafydd Johnston
In praise of John the Baptist by Lewys Glyn Cothi. Date c.1447 × c.1489.
Am eni Sacarïas
Gwyn 3 has a very different line: Iawn swccr oedd i Sacarias.
Y ganed i Gred y gras.
Elsbeth fal yn eneth lân 2 There was some uncertainty about this line: Sant elsbeth ail eneth lan in Llywelyn Siôn’s
manuscripts, Saint elsbeth fel eneth lan in Gwyn 3, and Elizabeth loywbleth lan in Pen 312.
Oedd ei wraig o 3
Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts have drwy
instead of o. ddarogan.
5Hwy yn fyw yn hen fuant 4
Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts Hwy’n fywiol
hen a fuant.
Heb goel plaid a heb gael plant. 5
Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts Heb goel heb
plaid heb gael plant.
Yntau ŵr o’i naturiaeth
Mal yr oen i’r deml yr aeth,
A Gabriel hyd ei wely 6
Gwyn 3
Daeth Gabriel at ei wely.
10Ato a aeth i’r un tŷ; 7
Gwyn 3
Cennad y tad hyd y ty.
Addef o Abriel
Gabriel is not mutated in Pen 77 and BL 14871, and Gwyn 3 has Addefodd Gabriel. iddo
Y byddai fab iddo fo,
Ac ef uwchlaw’r holl grefydd,
A’i enw efô 9 A number of manuscripts read fo due to enw being considered
Ieuan fydd.
Ieuan aeth pan fu yn ŵr
Wedy Adda’n fedyddiwr.
E’ ddyfod â’r tafod da
I Fair wen o fru Anna,1 According to Luke’s Gospel, 1.41–5, the child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt when it heard the
voice of the Virgin Mary, but it was the mother who uttered the words, ‘Blessed art thou among women . . .’.
‘Gwyliwch lle mae i’n golwg 10 The pronoun varies in the manuscripts, Gwyn 3
yn eich, Llywelyn Siôn
ywch, Pen 312
20Oen Duw o boenau a’n dwg.’
O naw arwydd, mae’n orau,
Enwi ydd ŷm un neu ddau.
Ei dad oedd, da Duw iddo,
Yn fud nes ei eni fo.
25Cyntaf llaw arnaw a aeth
Llaw Fair, llai fu ei hiraeth.2 According to the Legenda Aurea the Virgin Mary attended on
Elizabeth when John was born.
Cyntaf ffydd ar fedydd fu
Ac a roes i’r gwir 11
i’r gwir
Pen 312 only; all other manuscripts read y gwir. It may be that John Jones, Gellilyfdy corrected the
reading of his exemplar on the basis of the account in the New Testament.
Iesu,3 See Matthew 3.13-16 for the story of John baptizing Jesus.
A’r sant fal o’r saint filoedd
30Nesa’ un i Iesu oedd.
Ieuan fyth, a’i oen efô,
Fedyddiwr, hawddfyd iddo
Ei boen 12
Gwyn 3 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts have I’r boen. wedy syrthio’r byd
Ac o’r poen i gwr penyd.
Ieuan fawr, 13
Pen 77 and BL 14871; Gwyn 3
fwyn, Pen 312
y fo. The couplet is missing in Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts. darogan fu,4 Matthew 3.3 refers to the prophecy of Isaiah.
A groeses 14
a groeses
BL 14871; Pen 77
ar y groes, Pen 312
y fo ar groes, Gwyn 3
yw’r groes a’r gwir. It may be that John Davies corrected the reading of his exemplar. y gwir Iesu.
Drwy’r byd mae 15
Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Stowe 959
Mae drwy’r byd. o bedwar ban
Dai i rai ar dir Ieuan,
A phob 16
Gwyn 3 and Stowe 959
Mae pob ty, Pen 312
Mae ymob ty. tŷ’n ysbyty i’r byd
40A’u rhifo’n seintwar hefyd.5
John the Baptist was the patron saint of the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, an order which maintained hospices
for sick and needy
travellers, including houses at Ysbyty Ifan in Denbighshire and Slebech in Pembrokeshire.
Tair gwlad yn un pentwr 17
un pentwr
Gwyn 3
alawnt wr, Pen 312
tywynau. glân
A Gröeg a gâr Ieuan: 18
Gwyn 3
goreu-fodd a gâr Ifan.
Holl nef, lle mae llwyn afall,
Holl Gred, holl Anghred yw’r llall.
45Y croen oddi am 19
Y croen oddi am
BL 14871; Gwyn 3
Ei wisg oedd am. y camel
A wisgai ef, nid oes gêl. 20
nid oes gêl
BL 14871; other manuscript readings, such as Gwyn 3
ni cheisiodd gêl, give unsatisfactory cynghanedd.
Bwyd y macwy meudwyaidd,
Berwr hallt, bara o’r haidd.
Ei ddiod, gannaid 21
BL 14871; other manuscripts have gan ei. This is the lectio difficilior, and it is taken to be a sangiad describing John the Baptist. ddewin,
50Y dŵr gwyn, 22
Gwyn 3 and Stowe 959
a gai, Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts gwyllt. nid seidr a gwin.6
nid seidr a gwin
This appears to derive from the Legenda Aurea. The angel Gabriel says, in the words of
Caxton’s translation, ‘He shall not drink wine ne cider’.
Ieuan fab Elisabeth
A wybu pwnc o bob peth.
Proffwyd nesnes i’r Iesu
A dau fwy na phroffwyd fu.
55Ni aned ynn yn unair
I ŵr a gwraig y rhyw 23
y rhyw
Gwyn 3
cyfryw. grair.
Ni chad na chynt na chwedy
Dyn un fraint dan y nef fry. 24 This couplet is missing in Gwyn 3 and Llywelyn
Siôn’s manuscripts.
Fy nghorff y rhag ofn25
y rhag ofn
Gwyn 3 and Pen 312
rhag gwynfyd. fy nghas
60I law 26
I law
Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts; Gwyn 3, Pen 77 and Pen 312
dan law, BL 14871
ai i law dduw ac lias. Dduw ac Elïas;
F’enaid teg rhag ofn y tân
A ro Duw i ward Ieuan.
On account of the birth of Zacharias
grace was born to Christendom.
Elizabeth like a pure girl
was his wife by prophecy.
5They lived to old age
without any sign of family and without begetting children.
He according to his nature
went like a lamb to the temple,
and Gabriel came to him
10at his bedside in the same house;
Gabriel announced to him
that he would have a son,
and he would be leader of all religion,
and his name was to be John.
15When John reached manhood
he became a baptizer after Adam.
He said with his good tongue
to holy Mary from Anna’s womb,1 According to Luke’s Gospel, 1.41–5, the child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt when it heard the
voice of the Virgin Mary, but it was the mother who uttered the words, ‘Blessed art thou among women . . .’.
‘Look where in our sight
20is the lamb of God who will bring us from pains.’
From nine signs, it is best,
we name just one or two.
His father was dumb, God help him,
until he was born.
25The first hand that was laid upon him
was Mary’s hand, his yearning was less.2 According to the Legenda Aurea the Virgin Mary attended on
Elizabeth when John was born.
The first faith by baptism
was that which he gave to the true Jesus,3 See Matthew 3.13-16 for the story of John baptizing Jesus.
and of all the thousands of saints
30he was the closest saint to Jesus.
John the Baptist will be evermore,
and whoever submits to him,
easy will be his pain after leaving the world
and from the pain to the end of penance.
35Great John, it was prophesied,4 Matthew 3.3 refers to the prophecy of Isaiah.
blessed the true Jesus.
Throughout the four corners of the world
there are houses for some on John’s land,
and every house is a hospice for the world
40and is considered a sanctuary as well.5
John the Baptist was the patron saint of the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, an order which maintained hospices
for sick and needy
travellers, including houses at Ysbyty Ifan in Denbighshire and Slebech in Pembrokeshire.
Three countries and Greece
are all united in loving John:
all of heaven, where the apple grove is,
all of Christendom, all the heathen land is the other.
45The skin from off the camel
was what he wore, it is not hidden.
The hermitical youth’s food
was bitter cress and barley bread.
His drink, radiant magician,
50was plain water, not cider or wine.6
nid seidr a gwin
This appears to derive from the Legenda Aurea. The angel Gabriel says, in the words of
Caxton’s translation, ‘He shall not drink wine ne cider’.
John son of Elizabeth
knew every matter.
He was the closest prophet to Jesus
and twice greater than any prophet.
55No such treasure was ever born to us
from man and woman.
There was never a man of such honour
before or after under heaven above.
May my body for fear of my enemy
60go into the hands of God and Elias;
may God put my soul for fear of the fire
into John’s care.
1 According to Luke’s Gospel, 1.41–5, the child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt when it heard the voice of the Virgin Mary, but it was the mother who uttered the words, ‘Blessed art thou among women . . .’.
2 According to the Legenda Aurea the Virgin Mary attended on Elizabeth when John was born.
3 See Matthew 3.13-16 for the story of John baptizing Jesus.
4 Matthew 3.3 refers to the prophecy of Isaiah.
5 John the Baptist was the patron saint of the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, an order which maintained hospices for sick and needy travellers, including houses at Ysbyty Ifan in Denbighshire and Slebech in Pembrokeshire.
6 nid seidr a gwin This appears to derive from the Legenda Aurea. The angel Gabriel says, in the words of Caxton’s translation, ‘He shall not drink wine ne cider’.
1 Gwyn 3 has a very different line: Iawn swccr oedd i Sacarias.
2 There was some uncertainty about this line: Sant elsbeth ail eneth lan in Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts, Saint elsbeth fel eneth lan in Gwyn 3, and Elizabeth loywbleth lan in Pen 312.
3 Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts have drwy instead of o.
4 Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts Hwy’n fywiol hen a fuant.
5 Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts Heb goel heb plaid heb gael plant.
6 Gwyn 3 Daeth Gabriel at ei wely.
7 Gwyn 3 Cennad y tad hyd y ty.
8 Gabriel is not mutated in Pen 77 and BL 14871, and Gwyn 3 has Addefodd Gabriel.
9 A number of manuscripts read fo due to enw being considered bisyllabic.
10 The pronoun varies in the manuscripts, Gwyn 3 yn eich, Llywelyn Siôn ywch, Pen 312 ei.
11 i’r gwir Pen 312 only; all other manuscripts read y gwir. It may be that John Jones, Gellilyfdy corrected the reading of his exemplar on the basis of the account in the New Testament.
12 Gwyn 3 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts have I’r boen.
13 fawr Pen 77 and BL 14871; Gwyn 3 fwyn, Pen 312 y fo. The couplet is missing in Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts.
14 a groeses BL 14871; Pen 77 ar y groes, Pen 312 y fo ar groes, Gwyn 3 yw’r groes a’r gwir. It may be that John Davies corrected the reading of his exemplar.
15 Gwyn 3, Pen 312 and Stowe 959 Mae drwy’r byd.
16 Gwyn 3 and Stowe 959 Mae pob ty, Pen 312 Mae ymob ty.
17 un pentwr Gwyn 3 alawnt wr, Pen 312 tywynau.
18 Gwyn 3 goreu-fodd a gâr Ifan.
19 Y croen oddi am BL 14871; Gwyn 3 Ei wisg oedd am.
20 nid oes gêl BL 14871; other manuscript readings, such as Gwyn 3 ni cheisiodd gêl, give unsatisfactory cynghanedd.
21 gannaid BL 14871; other manuscripts have gan ei. This is the lectio difficilior, and it is taken to be a sangiad describing John the Baptist.
22 gwyn Gwyn 3 and Stowe 959 a gai, Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts gwyllt.
23 y rhyw Gwyn 3 cyfryw.
24 This couplet is missing in Gwyn 3 and Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts.
25 y rhag ofn Gwyn 3 and Pen 312 rhag gwynfyd.
26 I law Llywelyn Siôn’s manuscripts; Gwyn 3, Pen 77 and Pen 312 dan law, BL 14871 ai i law dduw ac lias.